Igor Kitsula - Developer

A Programmer Reference


How to Deploy an ASP.NET MVC 3 App to Web Hosting with "\bin Deployment"

If your hosting provider don’t support MVC 3 but have MVC 2 installed you still can deploy your web app. Solution is simple – MVC 3 files should be in Bin folder of your solution. Here is the list:


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How to: Turn on MVC compiled views or Turning on views compilation

Turning on views compilation will tell the compiler to compile your views and you will catch any errors (in views code) whenever you compile. Very handy and saves sometime. Unfortunately, it does add some time to the build process. If you have a lot of views, this could be lengthy, so you may want to disable this later.

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Image + ActionLink = Html.ImageActionLink

If you want to put image inside link using HTML.ActionLink you can use next nice implementation of extension method:

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ASP.NET MVC Razor - output HTML string non escaped

How do you show (safe) HTML saved in DB in a Razor view? It always escapes stuff like <.

Supposing your content is inside a string named mystring...

In releases from Beta 2 and earlier you can do:

@(new HtmlString(mystring))

In releases after Beta 2 you will be able to do:



ASP .NET MVC 3: JQuery validation and Data Annotation or Unobtrusive Client Validation

In previous article I’ve show you how to validate form using jQuery validation plugin and view model Data Annotations. With MVC 3 Microsoft have implemented jQuery validation referring to standard Data Annotation attributes. Let me show you how to use it in simple example.

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